Friday, July 30, 2010

Photo Shoots and Music

I've been busy over the past couple days. Mostly rabbit stuff. I've been grooming bunnies for pictures. It's interesting how squirrelly some of them can be. :- D The SA's tend to be so inquisitive, they can't sit still for more than two seconds. The want to see EVERY THING that's new. They stare directly into the camera lens. Or want to investigate were that funny noise is coming from, within the camera. Squirrelly little guys, yes, but oh so sweet!!!!!

My digital camera's not the newest model so especially with the SA's I'm getting LOTS of unwanted movement in the pictures. :- ( But with these adorable faces who could be upset with them.
Where as the FA's tend to take the photo shoots in stride...kind of super model types...old pros. ;- ) Some are so relaxed they prefer to lay down to strike a pose!

Thank goodness most of the pictures are finished, my next task will be shearing the remaining long coats.

And taking a hit of shearing from the rabbits, I decided to have my own hair cut today. After last weekend, at the sauna -- Akron Arts Expo -- my mop was such a distraction I decided it was time to do something about it. It was so hot last Saturday that every time I move my long hair would glue itself to my airs and pull my head. :- 6 I won't need to worry about that happening at the Rogues Hollow Festival in Doylestown, next weekend, we're performing again. I 'should' be much more comfortably this rest of this summer, now.

Today in Smithville, OH there'll be an 'open music jam', all acoustic instruments are welcome. The open jam's at Smithville Brethren Church from 3 to 9 pm. Come on out! Listen, sing or just chat. I'm sure you'll have fun.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

MY but its HOT

We just got back from a gig--Akron Art's Expo. Whew!!! BUT IT WAS HOT!!! Hydrations was the name of that tune! There was a pretty good tune out at the festival, even with the outrageous heat index! :- 6 We dedicated all the music that Bobbi loved to her. So she was there in spirit with us. I put together a photo board of pictures, of her, from past Expo festivals as well as a rose for her memory. I think Bobbi would have been pleased.

Yesterday evening I brought one of the rabbits in to shear, Ginger Jinn. The weathers been so merciless to my poor rabbits. Before we left the house this morning we gave everyone their frozen water bottles, for cooling, but turned off the fans. Now that were back they're once again relishing in the fans. Off to the west there's serious rumbling so I think some heat relief is on it's way. So with the potential for a storm so near I'll close for now. I'll hit the shower and relax a bit. Maybe bring another rabbit in for a hair cut too?

Try and stay COOL! :- D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Final Good-Bye......

Since, Monday we've been rather emotionally parallelized. Bagpipes at a funeral can be devastating, even for the strongest among us. Bobbi's sister had arranged for a grave side piper, Bobbi was sooooooo proud of her Irish heritage. It's so tough to imagine she's really gone.

This Saturday the MUS (Mixed-Up Strings) my dulcimer group performs at the Akron Arts Expo, a festival, which Bobbi seldom missed! A vacant chair memorial will be appointed as Bobbi's chair of honor. If you happen to attend the festival stop by the dinning tent Saturday (2 - 4 pm) and ask us to play one of Bobbi's favorite dulcimer tunes for you --"I'll Fly Away" or "The Fiddler has Played His Last Tune for the Night".

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Loosing a good friend.

Well I hadn't planned on adding qanything quite so soon but life has a way of taking you down roads you'd not planned on. :- {

I received word early this morning that a dear friend, Bobbi Finley (Roberta), passed away following a short but very difficult bought with cancer.

Bobbi joined my dulcimer group, Mixed-Up Strings, in the mid 90's. She was an awesome addition to the group, a wonderful musician. Her talent really blossomed when she got a banjimer. She developed an unrivaled strumming pattern which drove the music.

Bobbi hated the 1800's costume we wore. During the summer months they can be unbearable. One particularly funny event took place following a gig, in costume. As a group we stopped at an Amish restaurant. As Bobbi passed another seated customer she over hear the person comment to her friend...I didn't know the Amish were allowed to wear jewelry, let alone earrings!'. From that day forward Bobbi was tagged with the title, the 'Gaudy Amish'.

Bobbi was well respected and loved by the group membership. She will be sorely missed!!!!

Rest peacefully dear friend, till we all meet up again on the other side. In the meantime keep the music coming.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

21st Century -- Welcome

Well, it's official! Today I've stepped into the 'Blog World'. :- D

Not sure what I'll do with this space--only time will tell.

I'm sure weather will from time to time enter into the conversation. And with that thought in mind, pictured below, is one of our rabbits. Aiden, enjoyed the breeze from the fan as we've been experience 80+ degree temps. :- P

(Caption on the picture reads--Aiden catching a breeze from a box fan. His momma didn't raise no dumb bunnies!!!)

So, welcome to my 'blog'.

Hoppy Daze!!! :- D