Now that I have had a chance to give each project to its appropriate recipient, I can share with you what I've been working on over the past couple weeks.
I bought and bartered for dyed BFL wool, which I spun and then plied with some spun angora wool (rabbit). The BFL wool came from Somerhill Farm...GORGEOUS FIBER!!! It's been soooooooooo cold this year that I thought a couple hats would make good gifts this year.
The Blue and white hat went to my good friend Sylvia and the red and white hat went to my dear friend Margie. :- )
At least I'll know they'll be warn this year.
Maybe the hat's will help jinx the weather and the recipiants won't need to use them much for the rest of this year??????????????
This is the first time I've used my homespun yarn for any kind of project--crocheted or knitted. I've realized...I really like homespun yarns!!!!!!!!!!
I have two other friends, men, who do their own Landry. I was going to crochet them hats as well....but being men...I was afraid they'd forget the hats were made of real wool and they'd through the hats into the wash and come out with itty bitty hats. :-o So for them I opted for some store bought acrylic yarns. Not much worry there. ;- )
This year I've had busy fingers working away making hats from our angora wool. It's funny but I tend to think of each project as ... contributed by...Nova, Puffy, or Brendan. Or maybe a combination of contributors...kid mohair, BLF and others etc..
But while crocheting last night my 'Mother' called to tell me that PBS-Fusion, were airing the program, "A Simple Life". It's been several years since, BUT my dulimer group, The "Mixed-Up Strings", were insturmental in preparing the background music for the program. Intially our sountrack CD was offered on the program as a promotional awards item. It was a lot of work, at the time, but also what a thrilling time!!!!
Well, since yesterday morning the ground has been covered with snow. :- ( Actually there's only about a little over an inch of snow but every thing's still pretty white. I'm not a huge fan of winter months but I can live with it. Were as JG, BARELY tolerates it! As soon as the first snow flakes begin to fly I know the majority of JG's conversations will be growling about the weather, snow and cold. :- { This growling will last until springs return. I've told him that winter's inevitable and it can be a pleasant season for reflection on the warmth of family and friends as well as plans for the upcoming year's possibilities.
Another personal indicator of the winter months has been the change over in the barn, from water bottles to bowls for the bunz. Last night we removed all the waterbottles, as many had frozen. The temps are low but the wind chill bumps the temps even lower. BRRRRRRR!!! The only way we can maintain drinkable water during the winter is by using water bowls and multiply trips to the barn with fresh water, throughout the day.
With the holiday season I do look forward to the music and festive colored lighting. Even with the issues of today's economy we can still experience the joy of simpler pleasures, as long as we ignore the media machine push to brain washing us into thinking we HAVE TO HAVE everything they promote. :- (
This year I've had busy fingers working away making hats from our angora wool. It's funny but I tend to think of each project as ... contributed by...Nova, Puffy, or Brendan. Or maybe a combination of contributors...kid mohair, BLF and others.