Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We'll give it another try.....

Not such good news. Our hopeful litter from Nova & Tali have been postponed. All did well until 3/2. The babies had been doing well...all fat and toasty in their nest of warm angora. I found them close to the top of their nest cold a wet. Wet from what? appears as though Momma peed on them??? None survived. :- ( -- Serious disappointment!!!!! I put Nova and Tali together again so we'll see what happens in another 31 days. Weather 'should' be a little better in another month.
Our temps are still flucutation between the high 20's and low 40's PLUS it snowed again last night. :- 6 It's bound to improve soon! We've not had much problem with flooding but then we're pretty elevated in Summit county.

Next weeks' St. Patty's day so get your green on!